Monday, 19 September 2011

You me At Six- Underdog Music Video Analysis

We decided to analyse one of our bands influences, and decided on this one because it is a narrative/performance video, which is what we want for ours too. We were planning on analysing it together, but due to circumstance of living a fair distance away from each other, we decided to split the video into two halves, so that we techincally worked together, and that the load wasn't heavy on both of us. I did up to 1:12 and Katie did from 1:12 onwards.

  • Opens up with the bands drummer, low lighting.
  • As each instrument is introduced, the camera goes to the band member playing it in a slight pan shot.
  • The background lights come on when the vocalist begins to sing, cutting to a close up of him lip synching.
  • Various shots of the band, but focused on the lead singer.
  • Many of the clips slowed down when the song gets faster, an idea of contrast.
  • When the chorus first comes in, we meet our characters in the narrative.
  • Instantly get a feel that there is a sort of a love affair going on bewtween them all, as it cuts between a boy and girl kissing, then to another girl watching and crying.
  • It highlights that the boy involved may be a 'loverat'
  • When the narrative kicks in, you see less of the band and more of the narrative.
  • In the next scene, we see a story begin to unfold about the characters, it follows an almost 'generic' storyline of; boy meets girl ---- boy cheats on girl ---- gets caught ---- heartbroken girl gets revenge ---- he loses them both.
  • We see an argument depicted between girl 1 and the boy, which fits in with the lyrics.
  • We then see more of the band performing and cuts between both girls, highlighting the different moods, the blonde girl is oblivious to whats actually going on, but the brunette girl is heartbroken, this could be a contrast.
  • Chorus starts up again, brunette girl is crying and then walks away.
  •  Master shot of band performing, the singer is the main focus and there is a close up shot of guitar.
  • Pan shot of the band from the back of the stage.
  • Cuts back to the narrative side of the video.
  • Shot of the drummer performing and a fast cut to the narrative (close up on girls face)
  • Cuts back to the drummer, quick cuts as the music speeds up.
  • The narrative shows the girl dancing, the music slows down - The narrative links to the beat of the music aswell as the lyrics.
  • Silouettes of the band performing.
  •  Close up on the drummer performing in slow motion.
  • Cuts to the girl dancing again, and another close up of the guitar.
  • The timing of the cuts gets faster as the beat of the song speeds up, cuts between the singer, band, girl dancing and the girl getting her revenge up until 1:57, another close up on the drummer, zooms out to a long shot.
  • A quick cut,  Shot of the girl and boy kissing, also with the other girl in the shot it then cuts to a reaction shot of the other girl, and then the shot of the blonde girl walking away.
  • Cuts back to the performance side of the music video.
  • Shows the next girl walking away from the boy - Makes narrative clear of the girl getting revenge and how this relates to the lyrics 
  • A shot of band from back of stage again - Lights duller.
  • Ends the way it started - Band on stage - Lights fade out.
- Sophie and Katie (:

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