Sunday, 18 September 2011

2nd Initial Idea- The Show is Over

This is our second idea for our music video, we listened through it a couple of times to see what inspirations we got, we couldn't think of anything, so Sophie got in contact with Rob who is the guitarist who then emailed us the lyrics to our chosen tracks.

After reading the lyrics, and listening to the song a couple more times, we can up with a few basic ideas that we could easily develop.
   The first thing we thought about was the location, and we decided that it should be on a stage, as it ties in with the title of the song, they would all be in suits/smartwear with spotlights etc on them performing.

The narrative that would accomapny the performance took alot of thought, but we finally came up with a rough outline. which is that there would be a boyfriend and girlfriend, and the girl is continuously cheating on him with someone else and he always stupidly takes her back, we are thinking that one of the members of the band could be the boyfriend, as we decided we wanted pure narrative up until 1:26 and then for the member to come up on stage and join the rest of the band in performing, we would cut between the member and the girl, to emphasis the lyrics into the narration.

For this idea we would have to research into venues with stages and how much it would cost.

Significant lyrics that relate to our ideas: (and our inspiration):

'And now that the show is over and all your lines been played, we got a standing ovation, It was only me that took the stage'

'The show is over (the show is over), the show is over, take a bow'

'But only your imperfection’s shining through tonight. You go on and on that something’s wrong, yet somehow we keep going strong'

- Sophie and Katie x

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