1. Genre Characteristics:
( lip synching, stage performance, dance routine, rock band etc):
In the music video, we will have our unsigned artist performing in the grounds of Eynsford Castle, with close ups of the lead singer lip synching and we are going to time the guitar solos as they happen in the original song. The location of the performance interlinks with the narrative.
2. There is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals:
The song contains many lyrics that have given us inspiration for our video, there is two lines that sum up our narrative, lines like 'Can't always keep my Promises' and 'Now I have to go home with this regret' they are important because the lead character, Chris, who is also the guitarist, is making false promises by asking me to marry him, and at the end he realizes he regrets losing me, but the picture proves that he is too late.
3. There is a relationship between music and visuals:
We will be slowing some of it down when it hits the vocal part in the middle, but for the most of our video it will be fast paced, as the guitars and drums are at a very high speed.
4. The need for lots of close ups of the artist and maybe a motif:
We will have a lot of close ups of the lead singer and Chris, so that we can reveal their image and help sell the band, as they are the reason we are making this, if we didn't focus on the lead singer or on other members, the audience would have no idea as to who they are.
5. The Notion of looking and watching:
In our music video, we have many references to notions of looking, the first one being when I confront Chris about the picture, the camera will focus on it and then it will turn into the video of the night it happened, and how it happened. We are also considering doing a frame within a frame shot, getting my confrontation through many different angles, and one being through the ring and gradually zooming out.
6. Intertextual reference:
When we decided to film it in a castle, we started to think about the feel and mood that we would like for shots. When Chris initially proposes to me, we're going to make it sunny and bright, but then when it comes to shooting the band performing, its going to be dull and dark, our intertextual references are Disney/Fairy-tales for the proposal, and for the performance it is more dark and gothic, the influence being films like Dracula.
7. Hyper- reality:
The theme of hyper-reality runs all the way through our video, starting when she throws the ring away in the middle of the confrontation, after that moment, the ring will be wherever she looks, like on the bar when she is out, on the floor, everywhere. The other aspect of hyper-reality that we have is that when she is drunk, she starts to hallucinate and see Chris. The last hyper- real thing that we have is the location of these scenes, which is The Red Lion in Gravesend (TBC) because its a different location to the other shots, and also links in with the ' rock and roll' theme of our video.
- Sophie and Katie (:
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