Thursday, 5 January 2012


When we set up the Facebook page for our band so that we could receive feedback, the main point that was raised was that people thought the narrative was too quick and they found it hard to grasp the concept of the story. So I thought up some ideas, and one idea I had seen in a music video by one of my favourite bands, Asking Alexandria and its the music video for their song 'To the Stage' and what they had done was added titles in some points of their narrative, for dialogue, and also to bring the audience into the present events. I though this idea would work well our music video.

This is at the beginning of the Asking Alexandria music video. It then takes us to what happened previously to what we just saw. The font is rock and roll. 

They use it again a bit further on, but this time as dialogue. This entices the audience more as it's so shocking, and with the following '...' gives us the chance to make assumptions that something may go wrong.

This is the basic idea for what we want it to say, it will be placed just after the shots of myself getting ready to go out. 

I then started to consider fonts that were just as shocking as the ones used in the 'To the Stage' video. 

 I went on to to have a look at some of their fonts in the 'Horror' and 'Distorted' categories. We saw loads that we liked but these were our top four. 
We then had an idea to use the font that we used for our digipak, which is the top screenshot. We thought this would link our video and digipak together more.

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