Friday, 6 January 2012

Editing the final video

Today we put the finishing touches to our music video, we made the narrative easier to understand and also corrected the syncing issues.

More hands make light work so whilst Katie worked on the syncing problems, I began to work on the titles.

I wanted to make them shocking and enticing, so I put them on a black background so that the white really stood out. This title was placed with the getting ready scenes.
I started to consider the options for the titles that we could have and would work. I thought about the feedback we had received for the narrative side of things and people had found it hard to understand, so I came up with the idea of an opening title saying 'Once Upon a Time' this gives a really good feel to the video, and links in with the narrative as it is very happy and fairytale like at the beginning.
 But by the time you get to the end of the video, the circumstances are very different. At the end of a fairytale you get the generic ' and they lived happily ever after' I put a twist on this by leaving out 'happily' giving our audience a blunt finish, but also a slight cliffhanger, as it doesn't state what happens next between them.
This is under the control tab when creating titles, this is where I arranged where I wanted the title on the screen and chose the sizes.

When I arranged the titles, they looked too still and dull for the beat of our chosen track, so I decided to exaggerate the titles, I did this by cutting the title segment into three or four pieces, I then went into the motion controls for each one and scaled it bigger, moved it up slightly or down, this gave a great distorted effect. I also put the filter 'Bad Film' onto it as the jitter of it makes it look exaggerated and distorted, leaving a rock and roll feel, which links to our image.

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